Marketing Agency

. Marketing Agency

Promote your brand online with Build a reputation as an expert in your field whether it be a product, service or a travel experience. is the marketing division of The Times of Australia

Publish your brand's across our own online magazines to reach any audience to suit your business' niche.

Let our writers, journalists, and graphic artists create and showcase your business messages in permanent highly attractive digital form. is your pathway to showcasing your business to the World. Ultimately it is unique relevant content that will enable our clients to create new customers.

The Times and will ensure that your marketing and advertising messages are seen in all the right places.

1300 660 660 in Australia

Suite 10. 130 Jonson Street, Byron Bay 2481

An example of how the team assisted a major business

A few years back, a prominent Australian real estate marketing business suffered brand damage when disgruntled individuals published adverse comments on a consumer forum.

The forum, having a high ranking with Google, always featured higher in search results than our client's website: first entry actually. So, when prospective customers searched for the name of the business as part of their due diligence, the adverse comments on the high ranking forum were the first thing that they saw.

Naturally, this had a profound effect on prospective customers. Many chose to not deal with the business.

The task for us was to overcome the damage caused by the comments on the forum to our client's reputation. As it turned out, the information was inaccurate and probably placed by business competitors.

Google reviews and controversial adverse comments on forums, are close to impossible to displace. Forums love the traffic that conversations about a business bring to their business. Visitors mean clicks on the ads that run between the lines in online conversations. So there is no incentive to edit the salacious information.

So, our task was to mitigate the harm being caused to our client..

Business Marketing
Repair brand damage